Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I can review literary criticism and apply it to a cold reading.
I can review literary criticisms and their assumptions for our benchmark.

Choose one of our critical lenses, to apply to this photograph.

1.  Launch -- Look at the photograph above, and write your response in the Google Form.  Make sure to explicitly reference the assumptions found in whatever criticism you chose.
2.  Vocabulary for Benchmark:
     2a.  Genre:  the type of literary work
     2b.  Poetry:  the structure including rhyme scheme and line breaks
     2c.  Fiction: the characterization of the protagonist and antagonist
     2d.  Drama: an emotional, unexpected, and exciting series of events including violence and tragedy
     2e.  Expository: the use of facts and the explanation and description of real events
3.  Ms. G's Best Practices for the Benchmark
     3a.  Check out rubric for written responses
     3b.  Check the Benchmark Prep Answer Key
4.  Benchmark Practice -- Steve Earle
     4a.  Context
     4b.  Modeling best practices
     4c.  Complete Practice
5.  Exit ticket -- submit Benchmark Practice

Things to study for Benchmark:

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