Friday, June 6, 2014


Our family!

1.  Launch -- sign yearbooks :)
     1a.  Wait to get snacks until you're done with chromebooks
2.  End of Year Survey
3.  SHRRP Grades/Feedback
     3a.  Bookmarks from Ms. G's mom
4.  Sign Ms. G's yearbook
5.  Bedtime stories
6.  Exit ticket -- Toasts!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition." -- Alan Alda


  • Give feedback to Ms. G, to make her a better teacher
  • To locate your inner authentic voice, and celebrate it
  • To know that Ms. G loves you

1.  Launch -- Read Commencement speech by Toni Morrison (last three paragraphs, especially)
2.  Authentic Voice Quickwrite
3.  SHRRP Share-out
     3a.  Template with sentence frames
     3b.  Presentation Submission Form
4.  Oh, the places you'll go!
5.  Exit ticket -- End of Year Survey

Friday, May 30, 2014


You might be as sleepy as this little puppy...
but also as happy as this panda, to be done with your SHRRPs!
You probably feel as smug as this baby giraffe!

College writing? Pshh, ain't no thang, now!
I feel as proud of you as this mama cat!

1.  Launch
     2a.  Review Rubric
     2b.  MLA Format Research Paper Checklist
     2c.  Peer editing!
3.  Exit ticket -- Submission Form

Resource Bank:
Think you're finished? Revise for these following things!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


1.  Launch
     2a.  Review Rubric
     2b.  Work time
     2c.  Check-ins with Ms. G
3.  Exit ticket

Resource Bank:
Think you're finished? Revise for these following things!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


1.  Launch
2.  TEDtalk
     2a.  Transcript
     2b.  Response log
3.  SHRRPin' it up
    3a.  MLA Format Research Paper Checklist
    3b.  Work time
    3c.  Check ins with Ms. G
4.  Annotated Bibliography exemplar (Ms. G's college paper)

Resource Bank:

Think you're finished? Revise for these following things!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


#YesAllWomen because ‘I have a boyfriend’ is more effective than ‘I’m not interested’—men respect other men more than my right to say no
Because I’ve already rehearsed “Take whatever you want, just don’t hurt me.” #YesAllWomen
#YesAllWomen because every time I try to say that I want gender equality I have to explain that I don’t hate men.
Men’s greatest fear is that women will laugh at them, while women’s greatest fear is that men will kill them. -Margaret Atwood #YesAllWomen
Because in about 30 states, rapists whose victims choose to keep the baby can get parental rights, like weekend visitation. WTF #YesAllWomen
#yesallwomen because apparently the clothes I wear is a more valid form of consent than the words I say
I repeat: the fact that there are male victims isn’t proof it’s not misogyny. It’s evidence that misogyny hurts men too. #YesAllWomen
Because if I know I will be out til after dark, I start planning my route home hours, even days, beforehand #yesallwomen
1.  Launch --Communicate your needs!
2.  The New Yorker -- #yesallwomen and gender-based violence
     2a.  Response log
3.  SHRRPin' it up
    3a.  MLA Format Research Paper Checklist
    3b.  Work time
    3c.  Check ins with Ms. G
4.  Annotated Bibliography exemplar (Ms. G's college paper)

Resource Bank:

Think you're finished? Revise for these following things!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

American Teenager Project Day 1

1.  Launch -- Check out Humans of New York
     1a.  Interview of Brandon Stanton
2.  Burning Man photo-narrative
     2a.  The power of captions
3.  Chalk Talk -- Silently agree/disagree with the following statements, on the butcher paper around the room

  • Failing is a student's fault. 
  • I feel seen, and heard.
  • LGBTQ people should be allowed to get married.
  • People of color are treated unfairly by the justice system.
  • Immigrants make our community stronger.
  • I feel disempowered, because...
  • Most people think I am __________, but really, I am ___________.
  • Zip code and skin color determine whether you go to college, or prison.
  • My gender/race/body type stop me from pursuing all the things I want to do. 

4.  In My Neighborhood -- A Collaborative Poem
5.  What's the story here?
6.  Ethnography Practice
7.  Documentary Photography Lesson