Be brave, be proud, my lion cubs! Your roar is heard amongst the scholars!
1. Launch
2. Modified EA1: Examining Pygmalion Literary Analysis Essay
3. Continue working on draft
3a. Title it: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME Pygmalion Lit Analysis
4. Conferences with Ms. G
5. Reference the various assumptions of the criticisms in this powerpoint -- make it explicit, tell me what the common assumptions are for the criticisms you use!
5a. Exemplar: "When applying the critical lens of ____________, we can assume that the following are true: _______________ (list some of the assumptions, in your own words)."
6. Make a Works Cited page: DO NOT make it a separate document; it should be the last page of your essay.
Resources and References:
Transition Words and Phrases
Textual Evidence: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Upper right hand corner: Name, Date, Senior English, Pygmalion Literary Analysis
- Title (Relates to your THESIS)
- 12pt Font and Times New Roman
- Double Space THROUGHOUT (including Heading)
- page numbers upper right hand corner
Vocabulary: Word Bank
- patriarchal
- matriarchal
- stereotypical
- submissive
- dominant
- gender
- assumption
- enfranchisement
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