Monday, December 2, 2013


I can draft a literary analysis using Archetypal, Marxist, or Feminist Criticism.

1.  Launch
2.  Modified EA1: Examining Pygmalion Literary Analysis Essay
3.  Write First Draft
    3a.  Title it: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME Pygmalion Lit Analysis
4.  Share/Discuss with Group
5.  Exit Ticket


  • Upper right hand corner: Name, Date, Senior English, Pygmalion Literary Analysis
  • Title (Relates to your THESIS)
  • 12pt Font and Times New Roman
  • Double Space THROUGHOUT (including Heading)
  • page numbers upper right hand corner


You should resubmit your Criticisms Take-Home Exam by Wednesday.
I am looking for the following:

  • a paragraph is NO LESS than 7-9 sentences.
  • you should describe what the assumptions of each criticism actually are, before launching into your analysis
  • quote textual evidence (correctly!)
  • annotations!
Your Open Book Pygmalion Reading Test is due tomorrow. 

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