Wednesday, December 4, 2013


This photo symbolizes how well these various critical lenses go with texts!  They are disparate (not the same), but they are better appreciated together!

1.  Launch
2.  Modified EA1: Examining Pygmalion Literary Analysis Essay
3.  Finish First Draft
    3a.  Title it: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME Pygmalion Lit Analysis
4.  Share/Discuss with Group -- have colloquy amongst your peers!
5.  Reference the various assumptions of the criticisms in this powerpoint
6.  Exit Ticket

  • Upper right hand corner: Name, Date, Senior English, Pygmalion Literary Analysis
  • Title (Relates to your THESIS)
  • 12pt Font and Times New Roman
  • Double Space THROUGHOUT (including Heading)
  • page numbers upper right hand corner
  • patriarchal
  • matriarchal
  • stereotypical
  • submissive
  • dominant
  • gender
  • assumption
  • enfranchisement

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