Thursday, November 14, 2013


  • I can make inferences, evaluate evidence and conclusions, detect underlying assumptions, and see relationships within a text.
  • I can apply Archetypal, Marxist, and Feminist Criticism to a text.

1.  Launch -- Slang versus Sophistication!
    1a. Explicit teaching of code-switching
    1b. Similar to the process that Liza Doolittle must undergo, under the tutelage (teaching) of Mr. Higgins

2.  Watch clip of Pygmalion (1938) to see the text in action
    2a.  Discussion of morality and poverty (inverse relationship)
    2b.  "Have you no morals, man?"  "Can't afford them, Governor.  Neither could you if you was as poor as me."

3.  Enter quotations in Pygmalion/My Fair Lady Reading and Film Log

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