Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Hello my wonderful scholars!
I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you today, I feel so terrible that we are missing a whole day of instruction together!  Please make use of this time, to work on your own edification...

1.  Review the notes from yesterday on Marxist, Feminist, and Archetypal Criticism.  What questions do you have about each of these lenses?  Can you think of examples in your own life, to which you could gloss these concepts?

2.  Check out 30 Must-See Photographs.  Trigger warning: some images are upsetting.
      2a.  NOTE:  I was there for #7, that was a gang-related stabbing outside my school last year.

3.  Follow the instructions on this worksheet.
      3a.  Make a copy and title it Firstname Lastname 2.2
      3b.  Complete the worksheet; you may work together, but each person should submit their own assignment.  Push each other for honest, self-reflective, respectful, and raw responses.

4.  Submit your assignments here.

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