Monday, January 13, 2014


Hello, my lovely seniors!  Ms. G spent her birthday sick in bed, much like this cute kitten:

Today, as a result of class consensus, you have more time to work on your Anxious Masculinities Double Entry Journal.  Please have at least ten entries (as opposed to the two I specified on Friday), and feel free to work together and discuss as you go...remember, group work is an opportunity for colloquy!

Read the article on how Masculinity Fails Men (the article from Friday).
Alternately, you may read Scared White Men : What Anxious Masculinity Has to do with the Death of Trayvon Martin; this article lends itself to archetypal and cultural criticisms as well (they're all interconnected!).

My expectation is that you are constantly pushing yourself to think critically, engage with the material, and relate it to your own life.  Relate to the world, relate to other texts (literary, visual, filmic) that you have read/seen.

At the end of class, please submit your journal here (leave yourself about five minutes to complete the question on the submission form).

Call/text with questions, and remember that you can always come to Homework Center tomorrow morning at 7:15am!

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