Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Objective:  I can make inferences, evaluate evidence and conclusions, detect underlying assumptions, and see relationships within a text.

1.  Read definition of Characterization
2.  Vocabulary:
     2a.  bigotry
     2b.  interpellation
3.  Review the first half of Act II, scene i
      3a.  Utilizing Language for Academic Argument: Defend, Challenge, Qualify
4.  Continue reading Act II, scene i
     4a.  Comprehension Questions
5.  Exit Ticket:  Act II, scene i, lines 108-179

Continual questions:
      i.  What does the Moor symbolize?
      ii.  Contact = conflict; give an example from your own life
      iii.  How does imaginary or theatrical space function differently than 'real life'?  What purpose does art serve in society?
      iv.  "Artists have a particular ability, and even responsibility, to show us the affects of alienation." Defend, challenge, or qualify my assertion

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