Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I can write a narrative using real experiences, using effective rhetorical devices, and well-structured event sequences.

1.  Launch

2.  Presentation:
   2a.  How do I write a decent intro? Conclusion?

3.  Practice:
   3a. Make sure your document is entitled EA2 Reflective Essay Firstname Lastname
   3b.  Conferences with Ms. G to trouble-shoot
   3c.  Thought-partner with peers as needed

4.  Resources/Reminders:
   4a.  Reflective Essay Rubric
   4b.  Reminder of assignment (which is due TOMORROW by 8AM):  "Your task is to write a reflective essay that illustrates an event in which you or someone you know felt like a "stranger in the village" or was perceived as "strange" by some group.
   4c.  Student Exemplar

5.  Submission Form

Think you're done?  ...well, if you're in class, you're working!! Don't waste instructional time, use every second to make your essay exceptional.
Here are some tips:
    1.  Add dialogue
    2.  Add a quote from the text ("Stranger in the Village" or "Shooting an Elephant") -- reference your Double-Entry Journals for guidance
    3.  Add more sensory detail
    4.  Relate it to Cultural Criticism!

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