Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I can brainstorm possible topics for the SHRRP, and begin researching.
I can identify my topic for my SHRRP.
I can deepen my understanding of education as a basic human right, by perusing and responding to an expository article.  I can support my assertions with textual evidence.

1.  Launch
    1a.  When you are finished, review the vocabulary (below) for your quiz on Friday.
2.  Education as a Basic Human Right:  continuing the conversation
    2a.  An Urban Myth That Should Be True
    2b.  Response log
3.  Choosing your topic
    3a.  SHRRP Choice Board
    3b.  Dialectical Research Log
4.  Exit ticket -- Topic Submission form

SHRRP Research Compendium
i.  Week 1:
    a.  UNICEF
    b.  NESRI
    c.  Learning Outcomes Assessment
    d.  HREA Study Guide

Start studying your vocabulary; quiz on Friday!

Homework:  Read the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.  Choose one article that you feel is infringed upon, by your research topic, and explain why.

Extra Credit:  Read Malala's speech to the United Nations, and write an additional response.

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