Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I can identify my topic for my SHRRP.

I can begin to collate evidence, evaluating it for credibility and usefulness.

I can deepen my understanding of education as a basic human right, by perusing and responding to an expository article.  I can support my assertions with textual evidence.

1.  Launch
    1a.  When you are finished, click on any of the articles listed below (in section 2).
2.  Higher education as a hierarchy; is college a caste system?
    2a.  NPR: on bias amongst professors (audio)
    2b.  Access of Ethnic Minorities to Higher Education (article published by Berkeley Center for Higher Education)
    2c.  The Opportunity Gap (NYTimes article)
    2d.  Michigan's Ban on Affirmative Action Upheld by Supreme Court (CNN)
    2e.  Minorities and whites follow unequal paths to college  (Washington Post)
3.  Beginning to research your topic
    3a.  SHRRP Choice Board
    3b.  Dialectical Research Log
4.  Exit ticket -- Submit Response Log

SHRRP Research Compendium
i.  Week 1:
    a.  UNICEF
    b.  NESRI
    c.  Learning Outcomes Assessment
    d.  HREA Study Guide

Study your vocabulary; quiz on Friday!

Homework:  Read the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.  Choose one article that you feel is infringed upon by your research topic, and explain why.

Extra Credit:  Read Malala's speech to the United Nations, and write an additional response.

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